Customer Support Outsourcing

Advanced Customer Support Outsourcing at Leap Steam

P.T. Barnum, the 19th-century American showman and circus owner, said “There’s no such thing as bad publicity”. What he meant was it didn’t matter if the conversation about you was good or bad, so long as people were talking about you. Now, that might be the case if your business is carnivals and sideshows, but if we’re talking about customer service, then the opposite is true. If you are operating a fast-growing company, you will probably need to increase the coverage of your support services at some point. What follows is a list of Leap Steam’s many different customer support services that can help your business make the right kind of headlines.  

1. Technical Support Services outsourcing

When people hear the word tech support, it’s easy to imagine people in call centers taking calls from irate customers, frustrated overpayment, or delivery issues. However, these types of issues will be handled by your customer support team, and not your tech support team. This is where the two services differ. If your customers are experiencing an ‘IT’ issue, they contact your tech support team. If the problem is a “user” error, they call tech support. If they can’t log in to their account, they contact tech support. If it’s an installation error, a bug, or any kind of technical issue, your customers just want the matter solved so they can get on with their work. So they pick up the phone and call tech support.
Hardware & software technical support and maintenance is critical to keep your operation running smoothly each day. Customers expect solutions to their problems quickly and demand a customer-focused service with world-class troubleshooting. If you don’t have a tech support team in place to handle these concerns, then customers will eventually stop using your product. It’s as simple as that. Leap Steam can provide skilled technical support business process outsourcing (BPO) and expertise 24hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year for a fraction of the cost of an in-house team.


Technical Support Services Outsourcing

2. Retail/eCommerce Customer Support Services BPO

According to Forbes Magazine, a staggering 96% of consumers will switch brands due to poor customer service. This is great news if your company already provides top-notch customer service as you have an opportunity to acquire many more new customers. However, if your customer service is lacking, it means that you could be at risk of losing large numbers of once-loyal customers. Great customer service plays a part in the success of every company but different approaches are required for traditional retail customer support versus eCommerce customer support:

2.1 Retail Customer Support

Retail is extremely competitive. Whatever you’re selling, your customers can easily find the same item or similar elsewhere. What keeps customers happy and loyal is the customer service you provide during and after the sale. With custom scripting, Leap Steam’s agents will deliver the same excellent customer service as if you were responding to customers’ concerns directly. Also, with easy scalability during peak season (for some retail sectors, Christmas accounts for over a quarter of their annual sales) you will never have to worry about unanswered calls or emails leading to lost revenue again.

2.2 E-Commerce Customer Support

The biggest difference between eCommerce and traditional retail is that the entire process takes place online, usually in a shopper’s own home. Unlike in a retail store, your team can’t approach them to offer assistance or walk them through their options. Therefore, it’s important to provide a ‘knowledge base’ that includes FAQs, detailed procedures, tutorials, or articles on specific subjects. If your customers need to speak to an agent directly, it’s important to encourage them to get in touch by adding chat boxes or contact details conveniently located during crucial points of the buying process. Leap Steam has the skill, knowledge, and experience to make your customer experience one of the best and our eCommerce customer support will help you retain your customers and keep them coming back for more.

3. Customer Email Support BPO

Almost 320 billion emails are predicted to be sent each day in 2021 and it’s still a vitally important communication channel for your customers. However, spending your time replying to customer emails is exhausting, especially when you’re working hard to improve and grow your business. As your organization expands, more and more emails begin to flood in and it becomes hard to respond expediently. Therefore, working with an email support outsourcing partner is the smartest solution. But finding a partner to handle all the queries and concerns of your customers is not as easy as it seems. Leap Steam has a strong and growing reputation in the world of customer email support. Our email service personnel go through rigorous training to prepare them to respond to your customers on your behalf, enabling you to focus on key areas of your business while continuing to enjoy customer loyalty and satisfaction.

4. Live Chat Support Outsourcing

With 73% of live chat users rating their satisfaction as ‘hig’, live chat support has become the most preferred channel used by consumers, particularly among Millennials. It’s a service that your customers will expect to provide the answers that they seek, in real-time, 24/7, 365 days a year. Establishing all of this in-house will be expensive and time-consuming. Leap Steam hires only dedicated and attentive live chat operators through our specialized hiring process to provide unparalleled service to your customers at a highly competitive rate. We provide flexible work hours to make sure your business is equipped to handle your customers’ concerns around the clock. This increases your company’s customer outreach and can have a strong impact on your sales.

5. Social Media Customer Support BPO

With more than 3.48 billion social media users worldwide in 2019, social media customer support is becoming more and more important. Customers are demanding that your business interacts with them on their preferred communication platform, be it Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or whatever new social media giant is just around the corner. Leap Steam can help you to listen to the conversation around your brand online. Our social media customer support agents will track your brand mentions across multiple platforms. They’ll also respond to any inquiries immediately, conduct sentiment analysis to learn more about your customers, and compile analysis reports to help you explore more growth opportunities.

6. In-app Customer Support Outsourcing

In-app support allows customers to interact with your customer service team and chatbots within your app. Today, mobile usage surpasses desktop usage and that gap is widening each day. That means apps are fast becoming the standard way in which people do business and live their lives. If your customers have an issue that needs to be resolved then there must be some way to do that from the app itself. Outsourcing mobile app support to a professional and talented team of experts with years of experience in delivering dependable & consistent services can give a huge advantage to your business. Leap Steam covers the full range of outsourced mobile app support services, on both the technical and customer service side, so you can concentrate on your core business while enjoying positive reviews and improved ratings on app stores.

7. Video Chat Customer Support BPO

Businesses are now using video chat customer support to make conversations more interactive, personalized, and to deliver a superior all-round user experience. Video chat is perfect for complex technical issues that need visual understanding, which can be difficult to explain over more traditional communication channels, such as phone, email, or text. Leap Steam’s video chat customer support agents can diagnose the root cause of the problem quickly and improve first contact resolution rates. This can help reduce expenditure as there will be fewer follow-up queries so therefore fewer infrastructure costs to manage those conversations. Video chat for customer support helps to deliver faster responses, boosts customer satisfaction, and improves brand credibility.

8. Ticket Customer Support Outsourcing

The term ‘support ticket’ describes the interaction between a customer and a support agent. Tickets can come from a variety of channels, such as social media, live chat, messaging, or email. An ‘omnichannel’ approach to ticket handling means streamlining all of the various ticket workflows from all of your channels and bringing them to one comprehensive place. Leap Steam’s omnichannel ticketing system allows customer conversations from any channel or support system to be visible across the support team, ensuring no ticket goes unanswered. It can automatically prioritize tickets based on different criteria. For example, tickets can be assigned to agents depending on the customer’s location, the language they’re using, or even based on the subject line of their email. It also more easily allows for collaboration on solving queries and gaining any relevant insight from the tickets.

9. Multilingual Call Center Services BPO

Today, a globalized and largely online economy means businesses need to be open to opportunities wherever they may be around the world. At the same time, many customers want brands that, quite literally, speak their language. However, there is no reason to lose your potential customers just because your employees cannot speak your customer’s language. Outsourcing can provide multilingual staff proficient in local languages and cultures to maximize potential in growth markets and avoid any embarrassing ‘faux pas’. Leap Steam’s diverse pool of customer support agents can provide your customers the support they need in 6 languages, including Japanese, Mandarin, Korean, English, and Vietnamese. 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 52 weeks a year.

Customer Support Outsourcing

Customer Support Outsourcing (onshore call center)

10. Why Outsource to Leap Steam?

– As a global BPO vendor specializing in a range of services, including customer service, our priority is to provide affordable solutions that are custom-tailored to the individual needs of our partners. Every business is unique and has specialized needs. We offer bespoke services to suit any industry and size of organization and offer the ability to quickly scale up or down as needed to suit changes in business needs and goals. We offer efficient Customer Support Services to meet the evolving needs of any type of business regardless of the size and the work it does.
– With a large pool of highly-competent customer service agents with a perfect blend of skill, expertise, and experience, our clients can get an edge over the competition with our flexible and reliable customer support services.
– Working with us allows your business to operate efficiently, cost-effectively, and with insight into the ever-increasing amount of data your business produces.
– Streamlining your operations is crucial when trying to achieve future growth and vital functions such as customer support must, therefore, be handed over to the professionals.
– To learn more about outsourcing your customer support services and the value that it can bring your business.

Email Leap Steam for a free consultation and trial.

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